+255 715909103

+255 758085828



Density(15 °C) Kg/m³ 900-930 DIN EN ISO 12185 Flash Point P.-M °C Min. 220 DIN EN ISO 2719
Cinematic Viscosity(40 °C) mm²/s max. 36,0 DIN EN ISO 3104
Lower cloric value Kj/kg max. 36.000 DIN 51 900-2 Cetane Number ./. min. 39 IP 498
Carbon Residue Mass n.C. % (m/m) max. 0,40 DIN EN ISO 10370
Iodine Number g Jod/100g 95-125 DIN EN 14111 Sulphur Content mg/kg max. 10 DIN EN ISO 20884 Contamination mg/kg max. 24 DIN EN 12662 Erucic Acid Value mg KOH/g max. 2,0 DIN EN 14104 Oxidation Stability 110 °C h min. 6,0 DIN EN 14112 Phosphorus Content mg/kg max. 12 DIN EN 14107 Content of alkaline earth
Metals (Ca+Mg) mg/kg max. 20 E DIN EN 14538
Oxid Ash Content % (m/m) max. 0,01 DIN EN ISO 6245 Water Content K.-F. mg/kg max. 750 DIN EN ISO 12937

The product has its smell and taste, free from rancidity or any strange taste or smell. Oil is clear, free from foreign matter, free from any foreign oil or animal fats and fit for human consumption.

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Rapeseed oil contains the least saturated fat of all oils – and that’s good, as current advice confirms a diet high in saturated fat is linked to poorer heart health. It has less monounsaturated fat than olive oil, but a bigger proportion of polyunsaturated fat, which helps to lower LDL cholesterol.


Density(15 °C) Kg/m³ 900-930 DIN EN ISO 12185 Flash Point P.-M °C Min. 220 DIN EN ISO 2719
Cinematic Viscosity(40 °C) mm²/s max. 36,0 DIN EN ISO 3104
Lower cloric value Kj/kg max. 36.000 DIN 51 900-2 Cetane Number ./. min. 39 IP 498
Carbon Residue Mass n.C. % (m/m) max. 0,40 DIN EN ISO 10370
Iodine Number g Jod/100g 95-125 DIN EN 14111 Sulphur Content mg/kg max. 10 DIN EN ISO 20884 Contamination mg/kg max. 24 DIN EN 12662 Erucic Acid Value mg KOH/g max. 2,0 DIN EN 14104 Oxidation Stability 110 °C h min. 6,0 DIN EN 14112 Phosphorus Content mg/kg max. 12 DIN EN 14107 Content of alkaline earth
Metals (Ca+Mg) mg/kg max. 20 E DIN EN 14538
Oxid Ash Content % (m/m) max. 0,01 DIN EN ISO 6245 Water Content K.-F. mg/kg max. 750 DIN EN ISO 12937